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So far Vlad Kozlov has created 75 blog entries.

How to Prevent Termites in New York

Termites are a threat to essentially every property in New York. But certain factors make some properties more likely to experience an infestation than others. Fortunately, you can control many of the elements around your home that attract termites, therefore making your property less susceptible. A termite colony in NYC starts small and can

By |2024-06-23T15:41:39-04:00July 13th, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on How to Prevent Termites in New York

Early Warning Signs of Termites at Your Property

Termites cause millions of dollars of damage annually. In the most extreme cases, they make a property structurally unsound and dangerous to occupy. Termite damage happens within the wood of structures, remaining nearly invisible unless the wood is cut in half or there is extensive damage. Because the damage is hidden and many of

By |2024-06-23T15:39:16-04:00July 13th, 2021|Termites|Comments Off on Early Warning Signs of Termites at Your Property

What To Do If You Suspect Bed Bugs After Traveling

Bed bugs are creative hitchhikers. While most people assume that the only place to get bed bugs is on vacation, it’s possible to take bed bugs home with you from work, from a movie theater – even from a taxi. You may also get bed bugs when other people with infestations visit your property,

By |2024-06-23T15:32:00-04:00July 12th, 2021|Bed Bugs|Comments Off on What To Do If You Suspect Bed Bugs After Traveling

All About Flying Cockroaches in NYC

New York has a cockroach problem. So much so, that roaches are considered one of the downsides to living in this great area. There are many different species of cockroaches as well, some as small as an ant, others that sometimes seem as large as a small mouse.When we typically think of roaches, we envision

By |2024-06-23T15:03:49-04:00July 12th, 2021|Cockroaches|Comments Off on All About Flying Cockroaches in NYC

How to Find Bed Bugs On Your Own

Bed bugs are back. We’ve had some relief over the past year in NYC since there’s been less traveling due to COVID, but now that life is getting back to normal, we’re at a place where one can expect bed bug activity to increase again, and possibly dramatically. It’s important to stay alert to

By |2024-06-23T13:11:03-04:00July 12th, 2021|Bed Bugs|Comments Off on How to Find Bed Bugs On Your Own
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