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Does Diatomaceous Earth Work for Cockroach Control?

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Does Diatomaceous Earth Work for Cockroach Control?

Diatomaceous earth is one of the more effective DIY solutions for cockroaches, and many people use it as an affordable solution for one-time or small infestations. DE is a fine white powder made by grinding up fossilized single-celled organisms. The dust has microscopic, abrasive edges that cut through insects’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate and die.

But before you start dusting your home with it, here are some of the challenges you should know about.

How Does Diatomaceous Earth Work Against Cockroaches?

Applying a light layer of DE around your home in the areas where cockroaches are active will eventually start to kill them. The best way to apply it is with a duster or using a homemade solution like a flour sifter, but you can also sprinkle it on if necessary. You should leave the DE for several weeks until cockroaches are dead and then you can simply sweep it up with a broom and vacuum. But there are some limitations to diatomaceous earth and DIY cockroach control that can make it a better choice to call a professional instead:

  • You Still Need to Clean – Diatomaceous earth will not make the infestation go away. You must perform a thorough cleaning all around your home and avoid any crumbs, buildup, or other areas that may attract and feed these roaches. That can be difficult, and DE is not enough to prevent that.
  • Diatomaceous Earth Takes Time – It can take several weeks to get rid of cockroaches since every roach needs to come in contact with the DE. In the meantime, roaches are continuing to leave bacteria around your home, travel to areas where DE isn’t present, and potentially come back
    after the DE is wiped away.
  • Location is Key – If roaches do not come in contact with DE, it will have no effect. You need to be able to tell where roaches are most active and get diatomaceous earth to that area. You also cannot necessarily remove it, because – once roaches have found an entrance – they are likely to use that entrance again after the DE is gone.
  • Amount is Key – Too much diatomaceous earth will deter roaches from going into your treated area and instead cause them to move to another area of your house, making the infestation more widespread rather than fixing it.
  • Health Risks – Because diatomaceous earth is made up of abrasive particles, you can experience some irritation if you breathe it in or get it in your eyes. When purchasing diatomaceous earth, always using food-grade as DE for other purposes can be extremely dangerous.

Although diatomaceous earth is effective at killing cockroaches, the time it takes and the chance that the infestation or that the deal with pest control will not be successful means that many homeowners still have to pay for professional extermination in the end, at which point the problem is often more expansive, costly, and dangerous.

When you have cockroaches in NYC, take the most efficient and effective step to get rid of roaches by contacting 24-Hour Pest Control. Call us today (800) 456-8400

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