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Myths and Facts About Bed Bugs and Bed Bug Control

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Myths and Facts About Bed Bugs and Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are seemingly everywhere lately, at least in the pest control industry. They are experiencing a resurgence after near total elimination a few decades ago. As bed bugs become more of a nuisance, the misinformation about them is spreading too. Here are some common misconceptions about bed bugs and the truths about what is really needed to eliminate them at your home or business.

Myth: Bed Bugs Are a Sign of an Unclean Environment

There is an association of bed bugs and seedy motels with less than adequate cleaning standards. Cleaning actually has little effect on bed bugs. Keeping your floors clean and regularly laundering your sheets and clothes can limit where bed bugs hide, but it will do little against an existing infestation.

Bed bugs are hitchhiking pests that feed on blood. This means that almost every home or business with people around could host bed bugs, regardless of cleanliness.

Myth: Bed Bugs Only Live in Beds

The name is somewhat misleading here. Beds are a hotspot for these pests since a bed provides plenty of hiding spaces among the sheets, mattress, and headboard as well as a reliable source of food each night when you lay down to sleep. But the truth is that bed bugs are adaptable and can live almost
anywhere. You might find bed bugs on your furniture, in your closet, around baseboards, or even inside your car.

This means bed bugs are also a concern not only for houses, but for a range of businesses as well. In addition to hotels and hospitals, places like retailers, theaters, restaurants, and more can all find themselves with a bed bug infestation. The only requirement is that there are people there regularly to bite.

Myth: Bed Bug Removal Uses Harmful Chemicals

The treatments we use to get rid of bed bugs are non-toxic and approved for use in residential settings. Our professional experience also makes it possible to apply insecticides safely around your family.

Though pesticides remain the preferred choice, modern bed bug control also no longer relies only on chemical-based treatments. Other alternatives, such as heat treatments, use temperature to exterminate bed bugs without any chemicals.

Myth: Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Requires Throwing Out All Your Clothes and Furniture

Because our bed bug treatments are completely safe to use around people and pets, we can treat almost all of your furniture and mattresses so you do not have to dispose of them. Disposing of a mattress with bed bugs will be unlikely to eliminate the problem.

Fact: Bed Bugs Can Live for Months Without Food

Bed bugs can easily endure extremes and survive several weeks without water and 2 to 3 months without food. This is what makes it possible for them to live in cars or on properties where people are not present every day. Their ability to go without food makes bed bugs difficult to eliminate.

Fact: Professional Bed Bug Control is the Only Way to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

If a bed bug extermination does not get rid of every bug on your property, the infestation is going to come back again. This is why DIY bed bug control rarely works. Professional pest control provides the tools and experience necessary to find and eliminate every bed bug at homes and businesses around NYC.

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